Friday, September 2, 2016

Our Health Care Needs Help

What does health care mean to you? How does health care in British Columbia affect you and your loved ones? Do you have access to good health care in your community? What would you like to see improved?

I know that rural health care has suffered greatly in the last few years. Funding, services, and staffing levels have been cut, despite a great deal of effort and protest from the communities they are meant to serve.

I hear stories every day from families who can’t find a doctor, from individuals who can’t access the services they need to be well, and from people who have to travel many hours for cancer treatments. Health care workers are often stressed and over-worked, and many feel under supported by the current system.

In the news are stories of seniors being separated after a lifetime of marriage, and over-use of drugs as a method of restraint.  We know that “In 82 percent of care homes, we are not meeting existing guidelines regarding staffing levels” (Judy Darcy, NDP MLA for New Westminster on April 14, 2016 in the BC Legislature).

We need to do better! The BC New Democrats believe that all BC residents deserve access to quality health care. There must be more accountability; Communities should have more input into how health services are provided, and that is something we will pursue as a provincial government. As well, we have a plan to eliminate unfair MSP premiums, as has already been done in the other provinces.  

I look forward to being part of a government that wants to see change, and that works toward improving care in our province. I want to work with John Horgan and the other dedicated NDP MLA’s who care deeply about our seniors and everyone who needs better care. Please consider supporting me to become your NDP candidate in the provincial election next May. I can get the job done!